Thursday, January 17, 2013

As of lately.

So. Its been a bit since Ive updated, but whats new. I suck at this blogging game but, that`s o.k anyway, it was Nathans birthday a couple of weeks ago and we celebrated with lots of cake and ice cream, games, and lots of hugs and kisses :)

I decided to bake Nath a 4 layer Chocolate Brownie cake! With Tim Tams on the side covered with cream. I was a little disappointed when I made it the night before and the cakes looked ridiculously ugly, but at the end of the day it came out pretty dang good! :) Must say I was quite proud of my work!! I also made Nathan a blanket for his birthday, I remember one time he was telling me he liked the colors of the broncos NFL team..(even though I am not a bronco fan) I decided to make him a blanket with those colors!! 

Another happening has been Lil Miss Katara she has officially become a thumb sucker. 

Shes such a little Cutie, love her to pieces she is learning so fast and starting to get a bit of a character to her :) 
I cant believe how quickly she has grown, and how much she has changed. I cant believe how quickly the month of January is going by and has seriously come to the realization that I want to make sure I embrace every moment with my favorite lil bubs! :) Time goes quickly and its something you can truly never get back! So make the most of it and don`t waste time letting the small things get under your skin. Be happy :) Enjoy :) Love :) Laugh :) Embrace!!