Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A little here, A little there

I think every time I create a new blog post I begin with..."Wow its been ages since I have posted"...or something along those lines. The past few days Ive been a bit sick so I figured there is no better time to catch up on a blog update than when I am lying in bed with a hot milo.
As of lately I had celebrated my 22nd birthday :) Unfortunately, I dont have many photos to share as I was a bit silly and decided to take photos with my phone that has no credit left to send to my email. *BUMMER. Although, I will say it was a beautiful relaxed day :) just the way I like it. I didnt expect much as I told Nathan since we spent a fortune paying for mine n Kataras flight tickets to America that can be my present for my birthday and Christmas. But, as he does he decided to go and buy me a camera case that I had been dying to purchase and a cute photo of us from our wedding that is now so elegantly placed on our living room wall :) We took a trip to "Mt.Wellington" which is a bit of a special place for Nath and I as we spent our honeymoon there, and on our way up we talked about how weird it is that just over a year ago we were driving up just him and I now we have an extra member of the family with us. :)
It is so amazingly beautiful up there it seriously is like standing on a piece of heaven. Driving up you just see all of Hobart at its finest. Sometimes I still cant believe I am living in such a beautiful place. Also, that night we went home so I could catch up on sleep as I as feeling sick. Then we went out on a movie n dinner date later that night n dad suprised me with our "Wedding Cake" (not the actual one but same flavor n all) as my "Birthday Cake." I had a great day and am grateful for all those who sent birthday wishes :)
Another event that happened was we finally got family photos woohoo! I love photos , and I love my family so the two together = amazingness lol.

I know I know I am a bit biased but, goodness me I love them and WILL say that they are the best two people in my life and the most good looking hubby n bubby :) Today Katara decided shed start gagging on a banana and I think I about died at the thought that she "could of choked to death" and every time Nathan drives anywhere no matter how far or how long I always think of how I couldnt cope if anything happened to him, these two are my world and if anything happened to them I dont know how I would carry on, Love them :) 
In October Katara and I are flying over to the good U.S.A homeland for a visit, for nearly 3 months! Now, I think almost every day I nag Nathan about how I shouldnt of done it for so long, but he talked me into it. Unfortunately, Nathan cant join us as he is a busy Uni student with finals and work placements all through those 3 months :( He annoys me sometimes ha I think everyday I tell him how I am going to miss him so much when were gone n he just says ... "yeah me to but it will be good for you" with NO emotion. Typical men, lol oh well I will thank him after I am sure and probably will not want to come back haha jk couldnt leave him here alone he wouldnt last lol :P I think I am more worried about the flight, and leaving my husband behind, more than being excited to actually go to America! But, overall I think, I hope, when I arrive all my doubts n fears will come to a halt n ill enjoy the time with family and friends :) Anyhow, I feel like babbling a lot more but, nathan and I are having a martial arts movie night ( I know, were the coolest) so til later :) 


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