Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 16: Constant inspiration :)

Day 16 : Someone who Inspires you

Introducing Vaimasima Vaifanua :)
AKA: Daddy.
Growing up my grandpa raised me into the gospel, teaching me things, where at the time I found no significance in. Lately, I spend my days thinking of him and the legacy he left with me, and the priceless lesson he taught me in life, "be thou an example".
He rarely taught me to be an example with his words, but through his actions.
Watching him growing up I saw a man who was
strong willed
hot headed
and most definately bold.
to balance it all out he held the most beautiful qualities of
protection for his loved ones
being a rock for those who watched him
and best of all...
his sense of humor :)
Very rarely did I see my grandpa show weakness to others, he CONSTANTLY kept others laughing, especially with his awesome dance moves .. my all time favorite ."The robot" :)
He was a charmer, always knew how to turn a heated situation into a more enjoyable even if he was the one who made it heated in the first place lol. I am just now recently taking in the lessons hes taught me of being strong ... pushing through... enduring.. and enjoying the ride no matter the circumstances :)
Little did I know...all along..hes been my constant inspiration.

Day 15: Free Falling

So its been ages since ive kept up with my "30 day" blog post!! Today would be dedicated to day 15

"Something you want to do before you die"
Typical right?
Once upon a time I went to lagoon in Utah and had the idea that "skydiving" would be AMAZZZING! And so I decided to go on a ride called "skycoaster" :) Its a ride where they harness you into a body suit and you dangel by a cord while being lifted i believe 148 ft in the sky ( making that height up..but it was high lol ) ... Me, being me, thinking im a tough guy decided to start crying when the box dropped and left us dangeling in mid - air ...what a joke right? haha!! But, of course I pulled through with it and they pulled us to the top and left it up to us to pull the cord to drop us!! I ended up absolutely LOVING the feeling of the free fall!! :)
So one thing I am bound to do before I die is to get that rush of falling out of the sky :) Even if that means having someone push me off the airplane haha!! I love taking the risk of things in life so why not take the risk of jumping out of an airplane :) Lifes too short to hesitate and theirs nothing more Id love than to get that adrenaline rush feeling to "just do it"

Thursday, June 9, 2011

As of lately!!

Yay finally have some pics to post of my "as of lately" down under moments!! Ive spent lots of time around the perth city and I have to say when I leave good old oz I will be a bit homesick for the beauty of life down here!!

I went to the city with a mate the other day and started to explain how weird its going to be going home to my "small" town of stg utah!! And he found it amussing that I think perth city is here makes me feel a bit too country!!

Good ol` nathan! We went on a ferry across swan river to the other side of perth!! Earlier this day we found ourselves in a lot of "coincidental" moments!! We went to chill at the temple before and had bussed and trained it there and as we were waiting for a bus to come to head to the city we saw a beautiful petite lady strolling our way to wait for the same bus!!! As she rolled up we gave her the usual "hello hows your day" greeting" as we got talking shed asked where I was from and I told her I am from utah!! Her eyes lightened up as she asked "are you the mormons?" Of course we are ay:) she told us about how when she was a young girl there was a man who was really kind to her and he was LDS!! She had been wanting to learn more of our church and see our temple but, hadnt found the time to!! Good ol fabian is now learning more about the church and the fact that ....Noo...we dont believe in polygamy lol. THEN we hopped on the train and happened to be sitting next to 2 brothers who were LDS and a lady and her grandaughter in front of us as well:) utah thatd be the "usual" but, in australia...thats highly unlikely to happen!! All I know is, that day was a testimony of the mysterious ways of the lord :)

This city is so pretty!!!

Me n nath chillen at the foreshore!!

<3 living by the beach!!

If your wondering why I have so many pictures with this guy its because he paid me to be his friend.
No jk lol :)
Nath just got home from his mish in NZ and is prob the most annoyingly mean funny person ive met haha!
We went to the zoo the other day and spent 3 hours watching lazy lazy? haha
Feeding the poor things minties (nathans doing)
Dancing for wombats?
Shuffling the whole way through.
PBJ picnic!!
Watching monkeys wee...
And getting stuck listening to a lonely old mans stories.
hahaha gotta <3 it.

Nathan decided hed start dancing for the bird and it freaked out and jumped back. Apparently it was "dancing" with

Elephants :)

Kangaroos! Apparently their pests here in oz!!

Always reminds me of "toys r us"

This little man surely posed for the camera as he took a wee.. haha

Rangas :) There was a baby who was so cute hiding underneath a piece of tarp and hanging on its moms leg!!

He got excited to see his ranga family :)

I guess this is how australians dance....or this one at least lol

All i know is the one who really belonged in the cages at the zoo is this guy as those poor animals had to sit there and watch these moves bahaha!! :) never seen such a dumbfounded stare from animals so much in my life!!
So pretty much this has been my time as of lately down under :)
Time here so far has been nearly 5 months, yet feels like ive only been here 5 weeks!!
Embracing it all & enjoying the journey:)