Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The healing power...


Living in a forgeign country I must say has challenged me to take on new opportunities, such as making up a WHOLE new blog :) I havent exactly filled my last blog up with as much as ive actually experienced here in Perth, so I figured it would be a refreshing start to make a new one!
                                                             "The healing power, of a new beginning"

Obviously thats as blunt and as deep as I can get with this one. Let me just spill out my feelings here on blog..because well hey its my journal I can do and say what I want right?
So, as most know I have moved here to Australia and have been here for almost a whole whoppin two months now! Suprisingly enough, I have managed to be the independant person I was always aiming to be within these two months!! Of course, me being me, I still depend alot on family & friends love and support in things that I do..its only human. So lets begin with the start of my Journey....

Never in my life did I picture myself taking on the challenge of being a "Live-in Nanny"!! And it still phases me that I actually did it! Not only did I choose to tend to kids all day every day, but I chose to do it halfway across the world!! 9,749 Miles to be exact :)
Its quite funny, because I met this beautiful family who I am now living with through an online agency..and really how much more sketchy of a job could that be? Here I am...never in my life met this was basically our closest way of actually meeting! So, I meet this family online and of course I am thinking in my head that wow..I am going to hop on board with this one!! But, unfortunately my family had a different vision for me and as protective as they tend to be they convinced me..Nah..I will just stay home and go to college, get my education and get finances together! So I had turned down the opportunity with the family!!

Later down the road..I felt a real bad gut feeling about turning down that opportunity!! So who do you turn to when you lose yourself in decision making? ....... Our father in heavin of course :)
As I spent my days & nights on my knees I had the STRONGEST feeling ever that I should not of turned that family down!! So, I got contact of them and thank goodness they hadnt found someone in place of me!! Next thing you know...I was packing up my bags, telling the world "IM MOVING TO AUSTRALIA"!!!
Its true what they say..Time flies!! Because after what felt like 1 week later, but was 2 months later, I was giving my goodbyes!! At the time I was thinking to myself how horrible goodbyes are and spent my first couple weeks in OZ being homesick!!

2 Weeks spent being weak.
2 Months later spent..being the strongest Ive ever felt!

Now, I know I may talk about the gospel in like...EVERY post...But, thats because without it I wouldnt be who I am today!! Like I said..
                                                     "The healing power, of a new beginning"

Being here in Australia where the lord has placed me couldnt of been better timing! Its healed me, strengthened me, and helped me find a part of myself I didnt know exsisted!! Now, I couldnt exactly put that into words of how..its more of the way I feel!! ( oh gosh, here I go talking about my feelings lol)
Basically, I have found myself surrounded by a group of people living the gospel, in a country where it hardly exists. My first sunday attending church I walked in expecting to be in a YSA ward..when really I found myself in a family ward! Come to find only about 10 YSA attended my ward. I couldnt believe how small of a ward of YSA I was in!!
I can tell you though that..this small army of god have been stronger, and more mighty in strength than any big army of god ive seen or been apart of. These people here are a family.. They are true brothers and sisters.. True christian soliders!
All I know is that ive been healed here in the gospel...Noticing the changes in my values, standards, and lifestyle I couldnt be more blessed :)

                                                                    Perth, WA Temple

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