Thursday, April 7, 2011


Day 4: Your favorite night...

                                                    As you can tell....this would be sunrise..

                                                       Kumbai ah its finest:)

 One Night...Me, Ginny, Liz, and Jingles were driving home from Karaoke night. We decided to do a pit stop at northbridge :) First off...if you didnt know..its perfectly normal for you to see police officers riding around on horses..yes..horses? That being we were roaming around we stopped to grab a feed!! As we were walking into the restraunt poor liz had dropped her wallet behind a horse...(first should never bend over behind a horse) thing you know...the horse KICKED her in the butt and she banged her head on the concrete!!!

And if that story were continue in detail...but, fortunately enough its not. Funny thing is we told a number of people that story...n not one figured out it was a ridiculous story to believe. DUMMMB. hahahah One person..*cough cough laurence...even believed  the story of liz playing pin the tail on the donkey...and the donkey kicked her in the head...sooo gullible and soooo DUMMB!! hahaha!

True story:
First of all..we did go get a feed from northbridge!!! THEN we decided to go take it up to kingspark and kick it there for a bits:) Next thing you know Ginny n Liz decided they wanted to have a sisterly love they carried on with that liz decided she wanted to take the car keys n go grab her purse so she could walk herself to the trainstation!!

30 mins later....

No liz. No. Car. No money. No ride.

HAHAHAHA!!! All we could think to do...was walk our stranded selves up to a little hut on the corner of a street...and chant our song of hope...


Honestly how pathetic we looked...was photo worthy!!! As we sat their laughing about how we were going to get home...with no car..and no money..Liz decided to show up ..
By that time it was about 3 o clock in the morning!! So we all hop in the big deal were all sweet...then liz rants off about dropping her off at the train station. Considering they were closed Ginny decided to keep on thing you know ...


we look back and liz had jumped out of the car...
Pure dedication right there!!!
So...we swirved around and next thing you know...


hahahha as dramatic as this night was we all pretty much at the end of the day had a good laugh about it and it has made my "most favorite night" listing!!!
We spent our time in the hospital til about 5 in the morning...
First instinct when I saw that nurse roll liz in with her neckbrace was to bust out laughing!!! hahaha
That nurse honestly look at me like I was pure evil...
All was sweet at the end of the "morning" as we hit it off with a bang at famous ol
MACCAS!!! yummm:)

Kumbai Ah Crew Part 2: Coming soon:) 

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