Monday, May 30, 2011

"The Hobo Life"

So today I spent the day in the shoes of a Hobo.
One night we were trying to decide...what are we going to do tomorrow?
Lets dress up as homeless people...go to the city...and eat lunch at kings park :)
 So first here is good ol nathan!! We broke up into 2 teams Me, Nathan, and Ginny Against
Matt & Ogg!! We split up and were seeing who could rock up at the end with the most
hobo outfits!! Lol ... All I know is we wonnn!! No photos here with Matt & Ogg but yet to come!!

                                                                         Team Alley Way 5!!!
                                                        We had a 10$ limit on our hobo outfits!!

                                             Somehow we ended up doing some wedding dress shopping
                                             along the way!!
                                                Our official Hobo outfits for the day : Total price
                                                                               20$ for both :)
                                                                   Hobo scene place 1!!! Poor ginny!!
                                                        Me & ginny waiting for some mulah lol
                                                        This is our new friend ....... Rico suave
                                                                  Planking in the rain :)
                                                                  Hobo bench style!!
                                                                   And this is how we do it!!
                                                               Searching for a feed!!!
                                                                   Alley way 5 ... our new home!!
                                                                The typical lifestyl of a hobo ..sleep!!
                                                          Hahahaha!! where we eat our lunch!
                                                         Stinking hobos stole our meal for the day!!
                                                                 It started to rain...haha
                                                             So we found ourselves some shelter
                                                             Pierre nathan loves his rubbish ...

                                                               Eating some leftovers.
                                                                People shouldnt waste their food
                                               Pierre nathan got a lovely pepsi cup from the rubbish
                                                bins to get himself a drink of water haha
                                              Waiting for the train...the looks we got were pretty classic
                                            Poor nathan...the life of a hobo is tough sometimes...haha
                                                           The end of our hobo journey!!! lol

SO this was our beautiful day in the city as hobos!! Heaps more photos to come :)
To sum it all up...being a hobo is LEGIT!!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


I dont think I have ever attended institute and loved it this much in my life...
Here in perth we have insto on Tuesday & Wednsay nights!! From where I live it takes about half an hour to get to the ones on tues..& an hour to go on wednsays. For others it takes longer!!
Pure dedication much ?
Yes! I dont think I would travel like this every week JUST to get to an insto class if it werent for the examples of the YSA here who do it on a daily basis!! 
I mean really... I lived 5 mins from insto in Utah n never even went this often!
Taken too much for granted Id say!
Cant wait to go home and use the resources that are right in front of me more often!
                                                      Me & paris being photo addicts in class lol

   What do you do in insto?
Take photos.
Eat chocolate.
& Learn the lesson :) haha

                                                 Nathan, Paris, & muah In bible study!!!

      Faloa, You egg!!! haha

                                                        Quaid!! Hes moving to the States soon!!

                                                 "Hey look instead of 1 peace sign its 2"
Taryn, Quaid and Me!! Getting some hot milo and toast!!!
They serve refreshments here after every institute class..
I think this needs to be a done deal in Utah.
Insto <3

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Winter in the air :)

So it is now beginning to be winter time here in australia, while I watch my dear utah friends speak of their summer drives with the windows rolled down! Lucky me, I get to go back home to winter...AGAIN!! Fortunately enough, I happen to enjoy winter & the lovely layers we get to wear :)
CHURR!!! haha!
Looks like I have some MAJOR op shopping to do, considering my 3 suitcases I dragged 9749 miles with me had only summer wear...why is that? Because my lovely mom told me..."oh no dont need winter clothes." Mother knows best right? ...No not right. THEN I find out allll my clothes back at home got sold off..I think this was in retaliation to the fact that I told my sweet mama that I plan on moving back to australia...But that is A-okkkk because theirs nothing I love more than to create a whole new wardrobe!! :) Now that I have given my mom some love and
                                                                       Jersey Time :)
I have found myself in a "scarf fettish" this winter!! :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 14: All because two people fell in love

Day 14: A photo of someone you could never imagine yourself without

Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family:
Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one

So this would be a photo of the "people" (although, theirs still 80% missing from the photo) that I couldnt imagine my life without. Like all families we have our ups and downs, but at the end of the day their the most essential part of my life. :) This is a photo of some cousins and my bros with our grandma!! All this happened because "two people fell in love"! We go our seperate ways but, never get anywhere far without each others love and support :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Have you ever?


So one day...while I was enjoying my early morning breakfast I turned on the news to see a report on
What about it? Well...A man was planking on a 7 foot (not sure if that was the height) balcony which is...of course...dangerous...Sooo it resulted in the death of a planker. Also, a report on a man who is currently in a coma who was planking on top of a moving car lol. So what does the world of australians see those dangerous reports as? A form of entertainment :)

 How to Plank : Position your body in a "stiff, planklike" position in awkward areas.

Or...Painful areas?
Especially...Random places!!

Also, you can plank in Standing position!!

The beauty of it you can plank
With whoever!!

Even in a bush :)
So to my americans who do not know the concept of planking. I surely hope you enjoy  my new discovery in australia!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Because I can!!

So since I have been in Australia I havent had any sort of education and have been losing my mind!! I watch everyone else talk about uni and studying and it dawned on me...I MISS EDUCATION!! Its so twisted to think a thought like that I know..but, hey what can I say I actually like to learn!! Sooo what do you do at a depressing time like this... go to the library :)

Ahhh what a joy it is to have these beautiful books back in my arms :) ... What a nerd right? But, thats ok :) Because Id rather be a nerd than an airhead!! Here we have biology books :) Whats my focus? Nursing!! I have come to realize since ive been here mucking around in Australia that when I go home...getting my degree will be PRIORITY!! Well...along side mission plans but, still... time to hit the books :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 11&12: Love&Hate

Day 11: A picture of something you hate
Day 12: A picture of something you love

If your thinking this is my "love" you fail. The one thing I cant stand is wearing high heels!! Honestly, who even invented those...oh..wait a guy did..but, that wasnt the point.I guess you could say I was the girl who rocked flats and tennis shoes to the formal wears :) I had this big fall out with my mom one time because I told her I wouldnt wear my heels and she kept insisting their not that bad, pretty much at the end of the night I was barefoot...yeahhhh :) Me and my flat shoes are the best of friends :) High heels only to be worn on VERY special occassions!! I brought a pair of heels to australia ... where are they now? In the hands of an owner who will actually put them to use..what was I thinking even bringing them ay haha! Now on to my "Love"!!!

Cookies & Cream :) yeaahhh!!! Obviously if you know me I have this chocolate adiction.. here in Oz I have recently earned the title of being called..."Tim Tam" because I have this obsession with these chocolates here in Australia. But, I have come to find...that I can turn down a tim tam every now and then..but, If its cookies and Cream...get out the way lol!!! Trying to figure out if this sweet tooth of mine is a blessing or a curse..Guess we will see how fat I end up in the next couple years until then cookies and cream for life:) 

And honestly, if you are reading this they would say here in oz.."what a sad guy" hahaha!! JK high heels and cookies and cream..boring right? 
Documenting life as we know it :)  

Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 10: B&K LOL!!

Day 10: A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with 

Barbie & Kelly... can you guess which ones which? Dont even ask why we have these nicknames but, it was pretty much old school n will stay old school :) lol! This would be my true partner in crime, I cant even fathom how many stupid, crazy, immature, wild, random adventures we have had! I am sure half of  them would be dumb to you everyone else..but, of course for us we were living on edge!! haha!! we are..
  • Deciding not only dogs could pee on fire hydrants
  • Thinking itd be fun to steal from a swap meet bahaha pathetic (an attemmpt that failed thank goodness for guilty consciencous)
  • Scaring innocent people by running around like criminals with ski masks on
  • The "hot dog with icing and turkey" creation
  • Getting innocent boys punched by a guy who is literally 3 times their size..(oops)
  • Off roading on a daily basis..then one day losing everyones stuff in the back ... so there we find ourselves on top of a mountain praying we will find it lol
  • Having the "alchol" debate while trying to be daredevils (once again..failed)
  • Eating & Drinking things we thought would be "cool" to say we have done
  • Calling the teacher gay to his face because we thought itd be funny??? (miller bahaha)
  • Skinny Dipping in winter time!! hahaha (runway?)
  • Streaking Strawberry shortcake bday parties? bahaha (ok..really)
  • New years eve parties haha!!
  • Dying boys hair purple? lol
Ok..pretty much this DOESNT even sum up our random crazy adventures!! But, hey def good memories have been made with this girl love her to pieces my forever long sister who I can to this day always confide in!!! :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Happy Family!!!!

BUNBURY!!! :) Soooo now that I have finally found time to post my life here in oz as of lately of course it has to be about the easter weekend I spent with some beautiful YSA!! To sum it all up it was the meanest weekend getaway that I think all of us needed!! It consisted of .....
  • Shufflin dance parties
  • Dibbs on bedrooms ..or floors..or maybe even the bathtub
  • Sharing 1 small bathroom with 30 people..yes 30
  • Fighting over the one mirror in the house with 20 other girls
  • Obsessive macca runs
  • Easter egg hunts :) since when was that only meant for kids? I think .. NOT
  • Huge sunday feast with THE best soullll foood ever ..
  • biigggg boootttyy!!!
  • mooonsttter trucks!!
  • Getting suffocated nonstop by australia and flower
  • Charging up the electrical bill with over 15 Ipod chargers in a socket lol
  • 1 toilet...30 people
  • D&Ms
  • Taking photos of funny faces & fbooking them!!
  • CJRAE creation!!
  • 5 A.M street adventures!!
  • The moment where someone said were lame because we were all on our iphones hahaha
  • My temporary makeover hahaha ... JRAEE?? lol
  • Body surfing when I cant even swim lol
  • Body surfing then getting washed away by the huge waves ..yay haha
Anddddd soooo much more:) Overall...Bunbury + Happy family = Meaaanest weekend getaway!!! Sooo here we start with Rugby!! We all took off to the beach and some of the crew played touch!!

 whileee....some of us sat around and enjoyed the view:) haha Me, Tiana, and Jarah lying around in the sand taking photos and rocking out to music :)

Some of the girls:)

Liz, Me, Tinka, N myra!!

Michael looks like he just landed in heaven..haha

Some of the Crew hanging out at smiths beach body surfin :)

Alot of our weekend consisted in attempts to do the longest handstands lol

Boy on boy spooning action hahaha poor things we made em all scrunch up in the lounge on the floor, can you tell they enjoyed that one?

Souuulll food!! All of us went to church on sunday (we could of been our own congregation ha) then went out to keatons house and cooked up a huge pot roast for sunday feast :) After that we did family time playing big booty, musical instruments, the fruit game, andddd family home evening!!

4 A.M tower runs?
Yes please:)

The So called smash brothers haha!!

Haaapppy Family!! Some of us rocked up from keatons at about 230ish and everyone was either a sleep or lounging around watching movies...Next thing you know everyones running out the door and we have the random 5 A.M Family night :)

Just john....not sure what he was trying to do there haha

Love this girl lol!! She is THE fashion diva!!

Probably my favorite picture ever.

I wasnt smiling after I decided to try and be cool and run n jump on the board then flip off haha classic!

OH bunbury!! How I miss thee:)