Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 10: B&K LOL!!

Day 10: A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with 

Barbie & Kelly... can you guess which ones which? Dont even ask why we have these nicknames but, it was pretty much old school n will stay old school :) lol! This would be my true partner in crime, I cant even fathom how many stupid, crazy, immature, wild, random adventures we have had! I am sure half of  them would be dumb to you everyone else..but, of course for us we were living on edge!! haha!! we are..
  • Deciding not only dogs could pee on fire hydrants
  • Thinking itd be fun to steal from a swap meet bahaha pathetic (an attemmpt that failed thank goodness for guilty consciencous)
  • Scaring innocent people by running around like criminals with ski masks on
  • The "hot dog with icing and turkey" creation
  • Getting innocent boys punched by a guy who is literally 3 times their size..(oops)
  • Off roading on a daily basis..then one day losing everyones stuff in the back ... so there we find ourselves on top of a mountain praying we will find it lol
  • Having the "alchol" debate while trying to be daredevils (once again..failed)
  • Eating & Drinking things we thought would be "cool" to say we have done
  • Calling the teacher gay to his face because we thought itd be funny??? (miller bahaha)
  • Skinny Dipping in winter time!! hahaha (runway?)
  • Streaking Strawberry shortcake bday parties? bahaha (ok..really)
  • New years eve parties haha!!
  • Dying boys hair purple? lol
Ok..pretty much this DOESNT even sum up our random crazy adventures!! But, hey def good memories have been made with this girl love her to pieces my forever long sister who I can to this day always confide in!!! :)

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