Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Happy Family!!!!

BUNBURY!!! :) Soooo now that I have finally found time to post my life here in oz as of lately of course it has to be about the easter weekend I spent with some beautiful YSA!! To sum it all up it was the meanest weekend getaway that I think all of us needed!! It consisted of .....
  • Shufflin dance parties
  • Dibbs on bedrooms ..or floors..or maybe even the bathtub
  • Sharing 1 small bathroom with 30 people..yes 30
  • Fighting over the one mirror in the house with 20 other girls
  • Obsessive macca runs
  • Easter egg hunts :) since when was that only meant for kids? I think .. NOT
  • Huge sunday feast with THE best soullll foood ever ..
  • biigggg boootttyy!!!
  • mooonsttter trucks!!
  • Getting suffocated nonstop by australia and flower
  • Charging up the electrical bill with over 15 Ipod chargers in a socket lol
  • 1 toilet...30 people
  • D&Ms
  • Taking photos of funny faces & fbooking them!!
  • CJRAE creation!!
  • 5 A.M street adventures!!
  • The moment where someone said were lame because we were all on our iphones hahaha
  • My temporary makeover hahaha ... JRAEE?? lol
  • Body surfing when I cant even swim lol
  • Body surfing then getting washed away by the huge waves ..yay haha
Anddddd soooo much more:) Overall...Bunbury + Happy family = Meaaanest weekend getaway!!! Sooo here we start with Rugby!! We all took off to the beach and some of the crew played touch!!

 whileee....some of us sat around and enjoyed the view:) haha Me, Tiana, and Jarah lying around in the sand taking photos and rocking out to music :)

Some of the girls:)

Liz, Me, Tinka, N myra!!

Michael looks like he just landed in heaven..haha

Some of the Crew hanging out at smiths beach body surfin :)

Alot of our weekend consisted in attempts to do the longest handstands lol

Boy on boy spooning action hahaha poor things we made em all scrunch up in the lounge on the floor, can you tell they enjoyed that one?

Souuulll food!! All of us went to church on sunday (we could of been our own congregation ha) then went out to keatons house and cooked up a huge pot roast for sunday feast :) After that we did family time playing big booty, musical instruments, the fruit game, andddd family home evening!!

4 A.M tower runs?
Yes please:)

The So called smash brothers haha!!

Haaapppy Family!! Some of us rocked up from keatons at about 230ish and everyone was either a sleep or lounging around watching movies...Next thing you know everyones running out the door and we have the random 5 A.M Family night :)

Just john....not sure what he was trying to do there haha

Love this girl lol!! She is THE fashion diva!!

Probably my favorite picture ever.

I wasnt smiling after I decided to try and be cool and run n jump on the board then flip off haha classic!

OH bunbury!! How I miss thee:)

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